Our price match guarantee is designed to ensure you get the best value. If you find a lower price on an identical product from a competitor, follow our process below:
For in-store purchases, simply bring along proof of the competitor's lower price, such as a printed flyer or a website link (please note that screenshots are not accepted). After verifying the details, we'll gladly honour the lower price when you make your purchase.
For online orders, please send an email to info@hcs.ca with the subject line "Price Match Request". In your email, kindly provide the following information: your name, email address, phone number, the product you wish to price match, the competitor's price and website, and confirmation if the competitor's price includes shipping costs. Additionally, if you have any supplementary documents such as flyers or brochures, please attach them to the email. Our team will review your request and aim to get back to you within 1 to 2 business days.
Please note that shipping costs are not included in our price match guarantee. Review Shipping Policy.