5 Pain Relief Solutions That Work At Home

January 29, 2018
5 Pain Relief Solutions That Work At Home
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Pain can strike at any time and not everyone wants to reach for a drug solution to ease or eliminate discomfort immediately. The demand for more non-invasive and accessible pain relief has led to a number of innovative products. These products support and protect the body from pain. Although you may require medication for more intense forms of tension, these devices can quite literally “soften” the sharp pains. Discover a solution that may work for you.


1. Pressure Prevention

When you’re in pain discomfort can be found anywhere. It’s possible to alleviate aches caused by excessive pressure on the body. There are products available that can protect the user from pressure that causes pain. This breathable comfort is available in the form of cushions, pads, or air-filled pockets.


The easiest way to feel instant comfort is with Australian Sheepskin. This material has been used for treating and preventing wounds for many years. The fabric can prevent bed sores, it feels naturally comfortable, it’s moisture absorbent, and it’s cost-effective. This sheepskin is used to cover wheelchairs, laid over mattresses, and wrapped around the body as pressure preventing apparel.

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2. TENS Machines

TENS devices allow you to fully control and customize your own pain therapy treatment. You can choose from preset modes to deliver electrical physiotherapy into your pained area. This clinically proven method for pain-relief is convenient and free from invasive drugs.

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3. Hot and Cold Therapy

A form of pain relief that has been around for centuries is hot and cold therapy. You can apply cold therapy to inflamed or swollen areas. Elevating the swollen area and placing cold pressure can reduce inflammation. Hot therapy can be used just as effectively to relax sore muscles. If a part of the body, such as the shoulders or upper back feel tense, applying a hot towel can ease the muscle fibres. 


Luckily, new technology has been developed to replace frozen peas and hot towels. Hot and cold therapy is still affordable but works more effectively for pain. The Battle Creek Thermophore Moist Heat Pad is a great product that is designed to release moist heat to create deep-penetrating heat therapy. Aching muscles, tension, and spasms will be relieved with this relaxing treatment.


The Ossur Cold Rush Cold Therapy system provides cold therapy that combines cryotherapy and static compression to treat pain and inflammation after injury or surgical procedure. The machine creates sustainable cold therapy so you don’t have to worry about melting peas.

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4. Support Cushions

Sometimes our poor posture can leave us in pain. Support cushions are not only a wonderful corrective product, they also provide comfort when the body is already experiencing pain. These cushions contour to the body’s natural shape. The cushions aim to provide ergonomic support and improve posture. The cushions can be used for the neck, the back, the legs, and other areas, depending on which parts of the body are afflicted with pain.


One of the best support cushions for elderly populations is the seat cushion. Going on trips in the car, sitting at restaurants, or watching sports games can all lead to discomfort in the sitting bones. Many surfaces are not built to support the structure or fragility of the buttocks. The Hip Surgery Cushion by FIRM is specially designed to provide additional comfort to patients post-surgery but can be used by anyone at anytime.

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5. Foot Pads and Supports

Even the most comfortable shoes can become irritating if they don’t feature the proper support for the natural arch of the feet. An insole, pad, or support cushion inside the shoe is an amazing way to alleviate unnecessary pain. The Tulis Classic Gel Heel Cups absorb the shock of each step for your foot. The thickness of the gel increases balance and mobility. The support is bio-mechanically designed to alleviate any heel bone pain. It also takes pressure off the Achilles tendon and alleviates ankle tension.

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Try Non-Invasive Pain Solutions

It’s possible to find additional support from pain without invasive or surgical intervention. Always consult with your doctor when deciding to try new treatments or replace any current treatment with a new method. Try adding more comfort and support into your life to feel less tension in your body, recover from injury faster, and support the natural structure of your physiology.

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