5 Products to Help with Mobility Issues

February 06, 2018
5 Products to Help with Mobility Issues
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“Loss of mobility, which is common among older adults, has profound social, psychological, and physical consequences”, says the executive editor of Harvard Health Letter, Heidi Godman. Without mobility, people can become recluse. Staying at home immobilized can lead to a handful of other issues such as incontinence, urinary infections, or skin infections.


The dangers of immobility and the need for independence created a technological demand in the market. Devices such as canes, walkers, wheelchairs, and scooters can open the door to greater mobility. Discover the top 5 products that are taking on mobility challenges and creating better lives for millions of people seeking better mobility.  


1. The Walker/Rollator

A walker or walking frame is designed to help people who need additional stability or balance while walking. Walkers consist of a lightweight frame and are designed to enhance comfort while allowing the user to remain active and mobile. A Rollator is a wheeled walker that enhances ease of mobility with two, three, or four wheels, depending on the unique design. Walkers in general are meant for individuals that continue to be mobile and require minimal assistance while walking.

Walker of the week: Evolution Trillium Rollator

Evolution Trillium Rollator

2. The Wheelchair

A wheelchair is mobility meant for those with difficulty walking due to illness, injury, or disability. Wheelchairs have been adapted over the years to become more user-friendly. A modern wheelchair takes comfort very seriously. If a user is spending extended periods of time sitting, the cushion of the seat, foot placement, and accessories are all important in contributing to the overall comfort.

Wheelchair of the week: Silver Sport 2 Wheelchair

Silver Sport 2 Wheelchair

3. The Electric Scooter

With the innovation of the electric scooter, mobility was taken to new speeds, quite literally. Instead of engaging in the manual labor of rolling a wheelchair, the scooters featured easy-to-use power sticks and controls that could be operated with even limited arm strength or mobility in general. The scooter is designed for people who want to travel outdoors, travel quickly, and travel as effortlessly as possible.

Electric scooter of the week: Pride Victory 10 4-Wheel Power Scooter

Pride Victory 10 4-Wheel Power Scooter

4. The Porch lift

Individuals with walkers, wheelchairs, and scooters see the porch lift as a necessary accessory to an otherwise not-disability friendly living space. A set of stairs may seem easy enough for the average home-buyer, but for people with sickness, disability, or old age that limits mobility, five stairs can become not only straining, but dangerous. The porch lift technology makes sure people can come home and enter their home without this added stress or struggle.

Porch lift of the week: Serenity Vertical Platform Lifts VPL – SH1

Serenity Vertical Platform Lift

5. The Stairlift

Similar to the porch lift, the stairlift is an investment that pays off every day. A long flight of stairs can be a dangerous hazard for individuals who are not confident in their independent mobility. Installing a stairlift allows people with two-story homes or apartments to easily navigate their own home without calling for help. This invention grants people independent at-home living and safety.

Stairlift of the week: Handicare 950 Simplicity Stair Lift

Handicare 950 Simplicity Stair Lift

The Importance of Mobility Technology

Overall, people who have never suffered from mobility issues may take this ability for granted. To be mobile means being independent. Mobility allows people to live at home, travel outside of the home, and navigate their own life without waiting for the help or transportation of others. Luckily, the need for mobility has led to a variety of high-quality options that make living and moving with disability easier every day.  



Godman, Heidi. Two questions can reveal mobility problems in seniors. Harvard Health Blog. September 19, 2013.

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