Prostate Cancer: Test Your Knowledge, Save Your Life

October 05, 2018
Prostate Cancer: Test Your Knowledge, Save Your Life
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September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month in Canada. It is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among men in our country, and unfortunately, it is considered one of the deadliest. Devoting September to this life-changing disease is designed to bring awareness to our readers and to help men make more informed decisions about their prostate testing. Here are some quick facts and essential information about prostate cancer, courtesy of Healthcare Solutions:

Statistics of Prostate Cancer in Canada

According to the 2017 stats, one in seven men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer.

  • Thanks to improved testing, the death rate has been declining by 3.3.% every year since 2001.
    • That still means that out of the 21,300 men diagnosed with the disease, 4,100 patients will die from it.
  • Cancerous cells in the prostate can travel to other parts of the body.
  • Because this type of cancer can grow slowly, many men can live years without knowing they have the disease, which is why it’s important to go for regular screenings.

What Are the Risks of Getting Prostate Cancer?

Risk factors can determine if a male is more likely to develop prostate cancer, but that does not mean that men without these risk factors should not be screened regularly. You may be at high risk of this form of cancer if any of the following statements are true:

  • You’re over 50. Age is by far the strongest risk factor of developing prostate cancer. Most diagnosed cases start at 65 years old.
  • There is prostate cancer in your family. If your father or brother has the disease, your risk is much higher.
  • You are of African or Caribbean descent. Prostate cancer is more common in men of these ethnicities.
  • You have an unhealthy lifestyle. Poor diet and lack of physical exercise are high-risk factors. Fortunately, these are lifestyle habits that are within a man’s control to improve. Eating high-fibre and low-fat foods reduces the risk of developing this disease, as saturated fats can promote the growth of cancerous cells. Maintaining a healthy body mass index through proper diet and exercise not only contribute to your overall health and well-being but they also significantly reduce your risks of developing cancer of any kind.

Signs and Symptoms of Prostate Cancer

After your 40th birthday, your doctor should be performing prostate cancer screenings as part of your regular check-up. Don’t wait until you start to notice signs before visiting your doctor. Here are the most common signs and symptoms of prostate cancer: 

  • Difficulty urinating or urgent need to urinate
  • Frequent urination, especially at night
  • Pain or burning sensation while urinating
  • Difficulty urinating; inability to urinate
  • Painful ejaculation
  • Blood in the urine or semen (source)

Prostate cancer affects not only men but also their loved ones. As part of cancer awareness month, we encourage all men to learn more about prostate cancer and to speak to their doctor about early screenings. If you have difficulty urinating or problems with incontinence, Healthcare Solutions carries a wide range of absorbent products to make your days and your nights more comfortable, such as our breathable mattress protectors and discreet absorbent underwear. Find out how you can get fast and FREE shipping on orders over $100!

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